Part 2

Two days later, Trixie was frustrated for many reasons. First of all, there hadn’t been any word on the Wheelers. She could see Honey was terrified at the thought that she might never see her parents again. Honey had been staying at the farm since the phone call. Brian felt it would be better if she were there instead of their apartment, in case news did come. He also wanted Honey around people in case the stress caused the baby to come early.

Trixie looked at her best friend as she rested on the couch. Honey’s face was etched with worry. There were also bags under her eyes from her lack of sleep.

As Trixie moved to the living room window, she looked into the woods wishing she could see the house Jim had built on Ten Acres. But due to the trees and her position, she couldn’t see anything. She really wanted to see Jim. She had not seen or heard from him since the night they found out the Wheelers were missing. She wondered where he was. She had called the school numerous times, but he wasn’t there and his secretary had no idea where he was. There had also been no answer at the house. She had left numerous messages, but there had been no response. The longer they were apart, the more worried she became.

Where is he? she wondered as she looked out the window. Why hasn’t he called, letting one of us know he’s all right? He has to be okay. He wouldn’t let something happen. He loves Honey too much to let her deal with this on her own.

A door opening and closing got her attention. She made her way to the kitchen to see Mary and Di standing there. Di hurried to her and gave her a hug.

“Has there been any news?” Di asked.

“Nothing yet,” Trixie said. “But I’m glad you’re both here.”

“What do you need?” Mart asked, stepping over to them as Di leaned back and looked at Trixie.

Trixie looked directly at Mart. “I need to get to Jim’s, but I can’t leave Honey here alone.”

“Why do you want to go to Jim’s?” Di asked.

“I haven’t heard from him since we found out the Wheelers were missing. I’m worried. He hasn’t been to the school, and there hasn’t been an answer at the house.”

Mart lowered his voice. “Do you think he left?”

Trixie bit her lip. She had been thinking that and hoped she was wrong. “Please, Mart.”

“Go ahead,” Di said. “I’ll stay here with Honey.

Trixie smiled at her sister-in-law. “Thank you.”

“Go get your coat,” Mart said. “I want to be back before Moms and Dad get home.”

Trixie got her coat and boots and followed her brother to his car. She stared ahead as Mart drove to the house. She just hoped that when she got there, Jim would still be there.

As Mart pulled into the driveway, Trixie could spot the house. When they reached the house, she saw Jim’s Jeep parked by the porch, covered with a foot of snow. She felt a sense of relief, knowing he hadn’t driven off, but that relief was short-lived when she saw the house was dark.

Trixie got out of the car and started up the steps.

“It doesn’t look like anyone is at home,” Mart said.

“I have to be sure.”

Trixie reached above the windowsill and grabbed the spare key. She moved to the door and unlocked it. As she stepped inside, Mart said, “I don’t think we should be in here.”

She looked at her almost twin. “In less than two months, this will be my home.”


Trixie stepped inside and turned a light on in the kitchen. She immediately noticed Jim’s keys on the kitchen table. Without a word, she started through the house searching for Jim. She had a feeling he was there, somewhere. After searching the first floor and coming up empty, she made her way to the second floor as Mart headed for the garage.

Checking room after room, she began to wonder if she had made a mistake thinking Jim was there. She reached the master bedroom and pushed the door open. She stepped into the room and looked around. The room was the same as when Jim showed it to her once all the furnishings had been placed in early October.

She was about to leave when she noticed a shadow in the corner of the room. She reached for the lamp and turned it on. She realized it wasn’t a shadow, but Jim. He was sitting in the corner with his knees bent to his chest. His head was resting on his knees. She could see he was still wearing the same clothes he had on when they went on their date. She had never seen him like this before.

Trixie slipped her coat off and set it on the bed as she moved toward Jim. She sat down and reached for his hands.

“Jim, are you all right?”

There was no response.

“Please, Jim, answer me. I’m worried about you.”

Jim pulled his hands away. She knew she had to comfort him if he would let her close enough. She maneuvered herself so that she was leaning against the wall beside him. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Gently pulling him toward her, he leaned his head against her shoulder.

Trixie knew right then that anything she said wouldn’t change what was going on. She just had to be there, letting him know he wasn’t alone.

“Trixie, I...” Mart entered the room and stopped quickly when he saw them.

“Mart, thanks for bringing me over,” she said. “I think I’m going to stay here for a little while.”

Mart nodded. “All right. I’ll let Moms know. If you need a ride home, give me a call.”

Trixie smiled and Mart left the room.

They sat in silence with Trixie just holding Jim. She knew that when he was ready, he would talk to her. She didn’t like the silence and decided to talk about anything that came to mind.

“I’ve been thinking that this house you built is perfect. You’ve thought of everything. But then you always do.”

Jim reached over and squeezed her hand.

“I know you’re worried, but I think it would be better if you talked to me or someone instead of keeping it bottled up. You have a right to be worried, but you can’t give up hope. They have to be fine.”

“How can you sound so sure?” Jim asked softly.

“What have all my mysteries taught you? I don’t give up until I have proof.” She kissed the top of his head. “We don’t have any proof. We just need to wait for something definite.”

“But what if....”

“Don’t think ‘what ifs’, Jim. That will only drive you crazy. You have to keep positive thoughts. As soon as they can, they will call you and Honey letting you know they are all right.”

Jim tightened his hold on her.

The silence returned. Trixie could see the sun setting. After a little while, Jim lifted his head off her shoulder and leaned it against the wall again.

She looked closely at his face. It was pale and drawn. There was two days worth of stubble on his face. She had a feeling he hadn’t slept or eaten anything in that time. Reaching over and touching his face, she said, “I’m going to make you something to eat. Why don’t you change and meet me downstairs?”

“I’m not hungry.” Jim closed his eyes.

“You need to eat something and keep your strength up.” Trixie got to her feet. “I expect you downstairs in a few minutes.”

Jim opened his eyes and stared at her. She turned and left the room.

As she made her way downstairs, she thought about everything that had happened. Why do bad things keep happening to Jim? He lost his father, then his mother. He had to deal with the beatings from Jonesy before he came to live with the Wheelers. And now the Wheelers are missing. It’s as if he’s losing his parents again.

That’s it! He’s thinking that he’s losing the family he has grown to love. He can’t lose them. He loves them both so much. If something has happened to them, Jim would be devastated.

Footsteps interrupted her thoughts. She turned and saw Jim making his way down the stairs in jeans and a sweatshirt. Jim stopped and stared at her. “Are you happy now?’ Jim asked harshly. “I did as you asked.”

Trixie didn’t let his tone bother her. “Good. You were able to get changed. I think the clothes you were wearing should be burned now.”

Jim sat down in a kitchen chair. He reached for the phone. “I’ll call the farm to have someone come get you.”

Trixie took the phone out of his hand and put it back. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“There’s no reason for you to stay either.”

Trixie moved to the table and crouched down in front of Jim. She lifted Jim’s chin so he was looking her right in the eye.

“I am not going anywhere. I love you and will be here to help you through this.” She lowered her hand, and he kept looking at her. “I know you’re thinking it’s happening again, but it’s not. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler will be back. They love you and Honey so much.”

“Then why haven’t they contacted us?” Jim whispered.

“They probably can’t. But as soon as they can, you’ll receive a call. They wouldn’t purposely leave you without some word. As soon as they get the chance, they’ll call.”

Jim reached over and took her hands in his. She could feel his trembling fingers, but she didn’t take her eyes off his face. She knew he was trying to believe what she was saying, but the past was fighting for control.

“Jim, you have to believe they are all right.”

Jim nodded his head. She figured he was only doing that to make her feel better even though he didn’t think it.

“Now,” Trixie said, “let’s get some food in you so you can keep your strength up.”

“There are some dishes in the freezer that just need to be heated up,” Jim said. “The cook always sends care packages weekly so that I have food to eat.”

“Is there something in particular you want?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“All right.” Trixie moved to the refrigerator. She opened the freezer. “I’ll heat something up.”

As Trixie pulled one of the dishes out, she hoped the Wheelers were all right. She felt that if something terrible had happened to them, Jim wouldn’t be able to handle it. She hoped they were all right for both Jim and Honey’s sakes.

* * * * *


That evening, Trixie and Jim watched a movie in the living room in front of a roaring fire. Jim had insisted he was going to be fine after they ate, but she was adamant about staying. She had convinced Jim to stretch out on the couch and try to relax. She knew he would continue to worry, but hopefully the movie and her presence would serve as a distraction.

He had his head on her lap and she gently brushed his hair back from his face. She felt even more strongly that Jim shouldn’t be left alone. Part of her feared that if she left him alone, and bad news came about the Wheelers, he would take off and leave her again. She couldn’t live with it again.

When he had left almost 10 years earlier, she had been heartbroken. He had made such an impact on her life that no one else had, that she couldn’t picture her life without him. She recalled the nights they spent looking for Jim. When she slept, she dreamed about coming close to finding him, then he disappeared from sight, making her wake with a start. She never told anyone about her dreams. She thought that if she did, the dream would come true.

At that moment, Jim rolled onto his back. She saw he was sound asleep. She grabbed the afghan off the back of the couch and covered him with it. She brushed his hair back again. She knew this was good for him. She hoped he slept for a while. She stopped the movie, leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

* * * * *


Trixie woke a while later to movement on her lap. She leaned forward and saw Jim making sudden movements. She knew he was having a bad dream. She shook his shoulder.

“Jim. Wake up, Jim. Come on. Open your eyes.”

His eyes opened quickly and he stared at her. He was breathing hard.

“It’s okay,” she said, brushing his damp hair off his forehead. “You’re all right. You were dreaming.”

Jim let out a breath and closed his eyes. “What time is it?”

Trixie looked at her watch. “It’s about two in the morning.”

Jim took another breath. “Did you sleep at all?”

“A little.”

Jim opened his eyes and looked at her. He reached up and touched her face. “I’m sorry I spoke so harshly to you earlier.”

“It’s all right. I’d rather have you lose your temper with me instead of Honey.”

Jim caressed her cheek with his hand. “I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t deserve anyone but me.” She leaned forward and gave him a kiss.

“Thank you for sticking around.”

“Where else could I go? I still haven’t been cleared to drive by the doctors,” Trixie joked.

“You look tired.”

“I could say the same about you,” she said. “I have a feeling you haven’t slept much in the past two days.”

Jim shook his head. “I should try to rest. If something happens, Honey will need me to be strong.”

“She’ll need you to be strong as you wait for word.” Trixie tried to stifle a yawn.

Jim continued caressing her cheek. “You should probably get some sleep too. The doctor probably won’t like it if you don’t.”

“You’re right.” She yawned again.

Jim sat up and leaned back against the couch. He brushed a stray curl behind her ear. “I want you to stay. I’d feel better if you did.”

“I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

“Thank you.” Jim kissed her again. “Let’s get some sleep then.”

Jim took Trixie’s hand and they made their way to the second floor. They went into Jim’s room. Trixie stood by the door as Jim moved to the dresser. He pulled some clothes out and turned to face her.

“You’ll probably be warm enough in these.” He handed her the clothes. “The room across the hall is set if you want to sleep there.”

“It’ll probably be more comfortable than the couch.”

“You’re right.” Jim softly kissed her lips. “Sleep well.”

“You too.”

“Night, Trix.”

“Night, Jim.”

Trixie turned and went into the room across the hall, closing the door behind her. She had a feeling that things were going to be all right. After changing, Trixie slipped under the covers and turned the light out. She was a little uncomfortable sleeping in a new bed, but she was exhausted.

She was drifting off when there was a knock on the door.

“Trixie?” Jim called out as he opened the door slightly.

“Come on in.”

He pushed the door open. He looked over at the bed. “Trix, I...”

“Why don’t you climb in here with me?” she suggested. “I’m going to have a hard time getting to sleep because this is a different bed.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I need something familiar for me to go to sleep.”


Jim moved over to the bed and slid under the covers. Trixie lifted her head so Jim could put his arm underneath. He slid close to her back and wrapped his other arm around her waist.

“I love you, Trixie.”

“I love you, Jim.”

* * * * *


Two days later, Trixie and Jim were at the school watching the children rehearse for the holiday program which had become an annual tradition at the school. Trixie sat at the far end of the gymnasium watching the children interact with Jim.

She recalled how happy the students had been when Jim finally returned to the school. They had told them Jim had been ill, and that was why he hadn’t been at the school for a few days.

Trixie smiled as the students sang holiday songs that were part of the show. She had a feeling the residents of Sleepyside would have a treat when they came. As the rehearsal continued, Trixie thought back to the morning after finding Jim at Ten Acres alone.

She slowly became aware that her pillow wasn’t as soft as she was used to. Opening her eyes a fraction of inch, she saw a blue shirt slowly rising and falling. It only took a moment, but she realized the shirt belonged to Jim and he was in it. Trixie adjusted her head and closed her eyes. She felt comfortable with Jim. She knew this was how it was supposed to be.

Jim started to stir, so she stayed perfectly still. He used the arm that was wrapped around her shoulder to pull her close. His kissed the top of her head. That was when she moved her head. “Trix.”

“Morning,” she mumbled.

“Morning to you. How did you sleep?”

“Pretty well. Thank you for staying with me.”

“I should be thanking you.”

Trixie turned her head so she could look at him. He reached up and started pushing the curls off her forehead and out of her eyes.

“Why should you be thanking me?” Trixie asked, confused.

“Because you are you.”

Trixie gave Jim a puzzled look.

Jim must have realized she didn’t understand because he said, “Let me explain.” He took a breath. “I know you asked me to stay here because you were worried about me. I think I needed to be with you and I’m glad you asked.”

Trixie propped her head in her hand. “If you ever feel the need to be with me, just come. You don’t have to ask. I’ll always be here for you.”

Jim touched her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” They kissed.

A squeal of laughter brought Trixie back to the present. She saw the children heading out of the gymnasium. She figured they were heading back to class. She got to her feet and made her way toward Jim as he started to straighten up the set. She hoped there would be some news about the Wheelers. They had found out the rescue crews were searching a 100-mile radius from where their plane had last been seen on radar. Now, they were just waiting for some news.

Jim was holding it together, but Trixie didn’t know what he would do if the news was bad.

Jim turned as she reached him. “What did you think?”

“I think everyone will enjoy the program. Everyone has done a terrific job.”

“The kids have put a lot of time into this,” Jim admitted.

“They are excited to be doing this for the community,” Trixie said.

Jim was quiet. Trixie knew he was thinking about his parents. As she was about to say something, his phone rang.

“Hello? Hey, Brian. What’s going on?” Trixie watched Jim close his eyes and swallow. She had a bad feeling once again. “All right. We’re on our way.”

Trixie touched Jim’s arm as he ended the call. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

“What did Brian say?” she asked taking Jim’s hand in hers.

Jim swallowed. “They found the plane.”

Trixie smiled. “That’s great.” But her smiled faded when she realized there was more. “That’s good, isn’t it?”

“They found the plane, but they haven’t found Dad or Mother.”

“Oh, no.” Trixie couldn’t believe it.

“We need to go to the farm.”

“Let’s go.”

* * * * *


Half an hour later, they arrived at Crabapple Farm. Once inside, they headed for the living room. As they walked in, they saw the rest of the Beldens sitting there, waiting. Honey got to her feet and hurried over to Jim. He pulled her into his arms as she started to cry.

Trixie looked at her brothers and Di. She could see they were shocked. Before she could say anything, Jim asked, “What’s going on?”

“You should sit down,” Brian said.

Jim and Honey settled on the other side of Brian on the couch. Trixie slid into the armchair next to Mart and Di.

Brian took Honey’s hand in his. “We got a call a little while ago. The search crews found the plane.”

“But,” Jim prompted.

“But they didn’t find your parents.”

Trixie watched as Honey started crying again and Jim tightened his hold on her hand.

“Are they searching the area for some sign of them?”

“That’s what they said,” Honey cried. “But they don’t know how far or in what direction they traveled.” Jim closed his eyes. “They have started the search on foot.”

Trixie could see Jim struggling with his emotions. Jim asked, “What condition was the plane in when it was found?”

“It was intact, but they didn’t say anything else,” Brian said. “They promised to keep us posted.”

Honey was crying harder now. Jim pulled her close so she was crying on his chest. He rubbed her back, hoping she would calm down. After a few minutes, Honey asked, “What are we going to do?”

“What do you mean?” Jim asked.

“What are we going to do since they’re not coming back?”

“We don’t know that, Honey,” Jim said.

“But they haven’t been found.”

“Listen to me,” Jim said, leaning Honey back so she could look at his face. “We have to keep going until we hear something one way or another. I’m not giving up on them and neither should you. Dad and Mother will do all they can to get back to us. You need to believe that.”

“Do you really think they are all right?” Honey asked tearfully.

Jim brushed the hair away from her face. “The fact that they weren’t found in the plane gives me hope. They must have known they had to get away from the plane and did. They probably found shelter somewhere and are now waiting for the searchers.”

“You’re probably right,” Honey said, wiping her eyes. “Hopefully we’ll hear some good news soon.”

“Hopefully. Just keep thinking positive thoughts.”

“I will.”


Trixie watched Jim pull Honey close and hug her. She knew Jim had said what he did to make Honey feel better even if he wasn’t sure what to make out of the news. She just hoped everything would work out.

* * * * *


That night after dinner, Trixie and Jim were seated on the couch together. They had just finished a quiet dinner with her brothers and wives. Once they finished eating, Mart and Di returned to the Lynch Estate where they were staying for the holidays, while Brian and Honey settled in the bedroom upstairs.

Jim wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she leaned against him. She had noticed how quiet he had been during dinner and knew his thoughts were on his parents.

She decided to break the silence. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.”

Trixie turned her head and looked at Jim. He was staring at the fireplace. She could see the worry lines on his face. She reached up and touched his cheek.

“Things will turn out all right,” Trixie said. “The searchers will find your parents.”

Jim looked at her. “I hope you’re right.”

“Like you said to Honey, you have to remain positive.”

“Yeah.” Jim’s gaze returned to the fire.

Trixie decided she needed to get Jim focused on something else. “I’ve got an idea. Let’s work on the wedding plans since we have some time.”

Jim remained quiet for a moment. Jim then took her hand in his and looked at their intertwined fingers. “Trix, I’ve been doing some thinking.”

“About what?”

Jim let go of her hand as he got to his feet. He moved to the fireplace and stared at the flames. Trixie didn’t like the way he was standing.

“Jim, what is it? What’s going on?”

He continued, staring at the flames. “I think we should hold off on making anymore wedding plans.”

Trixie stared at Jim’s back, her mouth hanging open. She couldn’t believe he had even suggested that.


“I think we should hold off making more plans. We don’t know what is going on and until we do, the plans should be put on hold.”

Trixie was stunned. She never thought she would hear Jim say that.

“I don’t understand. Why should we stop our preparations if we haven’t heard any definite word about your parents?”

“It’s just not right. I can’t think about the plans and my parents at the same time.”

Trixie took a breath trying to steady her voice. She had to know one thing. “If there is bad news, will you still want to marry me?”

Jim stood perfectly still. His silence was his answer.


Continue to Part 3